Plant Health Care
Dormant Oil for Pest Control
Dormant oil applications are highly refined horticultural oils applied to fruit trees when dormant, and at a slightly higher concentration at bud break (early spring before buds start to swell). Dormant oil applications control pests or eggs that overwinter, mainly on deciduous woody ornamental trees, shrubs, and fruit trees. Also, they help fungal diseases such as powdery mildew.
Pre-emergent on Planting Beds and Lawns for Weed Control In Spring
Pre-emergent treatments are herbicides that prevent weeds from growing. As the name implies, you need to apply the herbicides before weeds emerge. The herbicide will penetrate the top inch or two of the soil, forming a protective barrier. The weeds will hit the pre-emergent barrier in the soil, killing the weed while it is still underground, before it can fully grow and appear in your lawn.
Fertilizer On Planting Beds and Lawns
Plants need several necessary nutrients for proper growth, such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and more. Adding fertilizers ensures that plants receive the nutrition they need during growing periods. Providing proper nutrition to plants gives them the best opportunity for strong, lush growth.
Animal Repellent for Gardens
Deer and rabbits are common garden visitors that can wreak havoc on your plants. These gentle creatures are capable of eating a wide variety of plants, which can cause extreme damage to trees and shrubs if they become defoliated. RP uses organic repellent applications that are save for pets.
Fungicide for Boxwoods
If your boxwoods have encountered a fungal disease, it can turn from a small blemish to a large, ugly eyesore that could kill your plants if you don’t intervene. This is when a fungicide may be necessary to implement on your boxwoods to kill off the fungus and to make sure it doesn’t spread further. This application helps by interfering with the enzyme systems of the fungus to the point that it is unable to perform essential functions related to its growth, so it eventually dies off.
Fungicide for Ornamentals
Fungicides help to stop or inhibit the growth of fungi on plant, and can help keep ornamental flowers, shrubs, trees, and vegetables from succumbing to fungal diseases. Edible gardens and ornamental trees and shrubs are such personal garden elements, protecting their good health is of the utmost importance.
Weed Control
When weeds invade your turf they compete with healthy, desirable grasses for air, water, and nutrients, so it is important to prevent problems before they start. Weed control products work by interfering with weed growth either by blocking photosynthesis and protein production, or by destroying or inhibiting root formation. Weed control products may be pre-emergent or post-emergent, and are applied at different times for different purposes.
Rose Care
Roses are susceptible to a number of diseases that lessen their value in the landscape. With an effective rose program you encourage healthy new growth, prolific blooms, and it helps prevent common diseases like black spot and powdery mildew.
Fungicide for Turf
Grass is susceptible to several disease-causing fungal organisms such as dollar spot, brown patch, red thread, among them. Luckily, fungicides are very successful at stopping or killing lawn fungi to facilitate a lush, green carpet under foot.
Mite Treatment
Mites on trees and shrubs are one of the most difficult garden pests to control. These tiny arthropods are closely related to spiders and ticks. When temperatures are high and humidity is low, mite populations grow rapidly. Our array of plant health applications includes medications and insecticides that kill mites quickly before they can decimate a healthy plant.
Insecticide for Leaf and Japanese beetles
The adult beetles chew entirely through the leaf, often in a shothole pattern. Larvae skeletonize the leaf surface, causing damaged foliage to turn from brown to white-ish. Beetles, when abundant, can entirely defoliate shrubs and trees, which eliminate summer shade and reduce the aesthetic value of shrubs and trees. Treating plants with insecticide preserves the health and aesthetic of your garden.
Insecticide for Scale on Magnolias and Euonymus
Used to prevent scale insects from feeding on trees and shrubs by sucking their sap through piercing-sucking mouth parts. Sap feeding by scale insects may cause yellowing or wilting of leaves, stunting or decaying appearance of the plants, and eventual death of all or part of the plant when infestations are heavy. Horticultural oil spray is a safe and effective way to control scale by coating the insects, causing them to expire.
Insecticide Leaf Miner on Boxwood and Hawthorn Trees
Insecticide applications on Boxwood shrubs and Hawthorn trees prevents the female adult flies from puncturing the leaves to create feeding sites, and from laying their eggs which causes unattractive damage to foliage.
Mosquito Repellent
Mosquito repellent treatments will help protect from mosquitoes that can make outdoor summer living uncomfortable, in addition to spreading disease. RP offers organic options that are extremely effective and safe for pets.
Grub prevention
Grubs, which are the larval, or immature, stage of several species of beetles and chafers, can damage a lawn by feeding on the roots of your grass. Grub treatment will destroy grubs, helping to prevent lawn damage now, and minimizes future Japanese beetles that can defoliate your trees and shrubs.
Foliar Feeding
Plants thrive in the ideal environment with sufficient nutrients and conditions. Foliar feeding provides nutrients to plants, shrubs and trees and increases uptake of nutrients from the soil by encouraging plants to take up more water. These applications offer immediate benefits to plants that maybe appear weak-stemmed, stunted foliage, or minimal flowering due to a lack of nutrition.
Chinch Bug Control
Chinch bugs may be small in size but they can do massive damage to your lawn. Not only do they suck the blades dry, but then they inject them with toxins. With an effective control program, these miniscule bugs can be stopped from feeding on the stems of turf grass and destroying sections of your lawn.
Core Aeration:
This service creates holes in compacted soil to help lawn grasses grow by improving soil drainage and encouraging healthy soil microorganisms, which require oxygen to ensure water and nutrients reach the turf roots.
Root Inoculant
This treatment is an application of tiny, beneficial bacteria that work symbiotically with plant roots to help them absorb more moisture, nutrients and promote strong, healthy plant growth. The applied microbes help to restore good soil fertility.
Anti Desiccant
Anti-desiccants, or anti-transpirants, are surface sprays that reduce moisture loss from the leaves and needles on evergreen trees and shrubs to prevent excessive moisture loss during winter. These treatments preserve evergreen foliage from excessive winter drying.