Brayan Salgado

Plant Health Care Technician

Brayan originally joined the RP team back in 2015, then left in 2022 for about 12 months, and we are grateful he is back. His expertise is absolute, and his enthusiasm is infectious, so he was truly missed. Brayan has been an integral member of the team as a highly skilled Plant Health Care Technician, with extensive experience in organic and synthetic turf fertilizers, selective and non-selective herbicides, and insecticides to treat trees, shrubs and perennials for insects and/or fungus. When he is not on client sites protecting their landscapes, he and his wife spend time walking in nature, sometimes bringing their two cats, Spoopy Kitty and Gordito Pedrito, to enjoy some fresh air. Brayan and his wife have learned ASL to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing, allowing them to make some new and wonderful human connections.